Join us as we develop an understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder. With a better understanding of an ‘Aspies’ reactions to the sensory overload in everyday life and the feelings that the overload can bring, In the hopes that we all may become more sensitive and compassionate not only to those who have the disorder, but to all humankind as well.
Down To Up
With your host John Allen
Season 2
Episode 7
Ever felt like you were drowning in bad feelings? Our world (whether Spectrum or NT) seems like its just a lot of downers. According to research, we apparently are genetically designed with negative factors. This 'bend' towards negativity can really effect our attitude and outlook on life. This is especially evident in the life of those of us with AS/ASD. Our anxiety levels are very much effected by our feelings and our reactions to our negative world.
In this episode, you will earn about our "negative bias" and how to work your way out of a swamp and into a better life. Let's move from "Down To Up" this week in Aspieland.
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