Join us as we develop an understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder. With a better understanding of an ‘Aspies’ reactions to the sensory overload in everyday life and the feelings that the overload can bring, In the hopes that we all may become more sensitive and compassionate not only to those who have the disorder, but to all humankind as well.
56 episodes
John Knoblock Memorial Service
This episode is the memorial service for John Knoblock. Kathy is extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve and support the Aspieland community. Thank you for your patronage and support of Aspieland. This podcast was very important to John...

MASKING and Neurodiverse Relationships Pt.1
This subject is one those that impacts the relationship dynamic in almost every encounter. We felt this was important enough to review and then talk about how this effects the Neurodiverse relationship. "Masking" is one of th...
Season 3
Episode 5

Encore! Living Behind the Mask (review)
My wife and I found that this subject is one those that impacts the relationship dynamic in almost every encounter. We felt this was important enough to review and then talk about how this effects the Neurodiverse relationship. <...
Season 3
Episode 4

Sudden Impacts and the Neuro-Diverse Marriage PART THREE
In the Neuro-Diverse relationship, sudden changes and hard impacts can really test yourself and your relationship.This podcast is the final part of the three part series. As we finish exploring all the ways a sudden impact in your lif...
Season 3
Episode 3

Sudden Impacts and the Neuro-Diverse Marriage PART TWO
In the Neuro-Diverse relationship, sudden changes and hard impacts can really test yourself and your relationship.This podcast is the second in a three part series which explores all the ways a sudden impact in your life, just such an...
Season 3
Episode 2

Sudden Impacts and the Neuro-Diverse Marriage
Ever have a sudden experience that changed your life? In the Neuro-Diverse relationship, sudden changes and hard impacts can really test yourself and your relationship.After just such an impact was delivered to my wife and I in th...
Season 3
Episode 1

Living Behind the Mask
"Masking" is one of the many ways that those of us on the Spectrum hide ourselves from others. We try to hide our autistic tendencies so that people in the Neurotypical world see us as one of them. It's a method of acceptance we hav...
Season 2
Episode 22

Understanding ABA Therapy
Through the years, there have been many attempts at finding proper therapeutic methods for "curing" Autism and ASD. Those of you who are older may recall the advertising campaigns launched as a result of higher incidents of Autism diagnos...
Season 2
Episode 21

ASD and SELF advocacy
Have you ever needed to let someone know about yourself? Self-advocacy is all about improving your life situation be it work, school or personal relationships by finding ways to advance the needs that you have in a meaningful and collabor...
Season 2
Episode 20

ASD and Advocacy
For those of us on the spectrum, getting through work or school or even everyday environments can be difficult. This happens because of our sensitivities to light, temperature and other surroundings. Sometimes these issues get in th...
Season 2
Episode 19

Meet Elek and Claire
I can remember being in my early twenties. It was a tumultuous time. Trying to keep it all straight was a real mess for me because I am on the spectrum, but at the time did not know it. I struggled and struggled with just abou...
Season 2
Episode 18

A Small Org with a BIG Heart
Every so often during the course of my research I find a resource or organization that really stands out. This podcast is about one such organization. By most business standards this would be considered a small org (organization).&n...
Season 2
Episode 17

The Diagnostic Process
Diagnosing Autism can be a very daunting process. In some cases, especially in adults, the process can take several doctors, a multitude of tests and questions, and in some cases a fair amount of out-of-pocket expense.So why do we...
Season 2
Episode 16

Meet Nathan
It is always a good thing when we get to meet new people. For those of us on the spectrum, it can be especially true. Meeting new people enhances our view of life and helps us to understand one another regardless of whether we are N...
Season 2
Episode 15

Right Where I Belong
Have you ever been somewhere and felt like a puzzle piece was missing? Almost as though you get this feeling in your gut that tells you that you don't belong there? For those of us on the spectrum, that feeling troubles us a lot.&nb...
Season 2
Episode 14

Ignorance is Bliss...and Dangerous! PART 2
This is the second part of our discussion on the struggles of NT spouses and their partners. To re-iterate, we (my wife and I) have received many messages regarding some strong issues and struggles of Neurodiverse couples and especi...
Season 2
Episode 13

Ignorance is Bliss...and Dangerous!
We have received many messages regarding the issues and struggles of Neurodiverse couples and especially those neurotypical spouses and some issues that they face.We (my wife and I) have been so very concerned that we immediately set ou...
Season 2
Episode 12

Getting Things Done Part 2
In this, the second part of the topic "Getting Things Done" we continue to look at those executive Functions we all share (NT or ASD). How do we manage to finish projects or begin new ones? These functions handle how we organize, prioriti...
Season 2
Episode 11

Getting Things Done
Ever wonder what gets you going in the morning? How in the world do we manage to finish projects or begin new ones? Most of these and a whole host of other things are managed by what are called "Executive Functions". These fun...
Season 2
Episode 10

Autistic Children & the Medical Community Part 2
We continue our visit with Carrie Donnell about the needs of children on the autism spectrum when it comes to being treated in a hospital emergency room, an emergency clinic, or even in the doctors office. Training in the unde...
Season 2
Episode 9

Autistic Children & the Medical Community
Being a parent of an child on the spectrum is a daunting experience. Many times there is a need to advocate for your child. The realization of the need is expanding, because there are so many children that have so many things to be ...
Season 2
Episode 8

Down To Up
Ever felt like you were drowning in bad feelings? Our world (whether Spectrum or NT) seems like its just a lot of downers. According to research, we apparently are genetically designed with negative factors. This 'bend' toward...
Season 2
Episode 7

Options and Resources
Have you ever found yourself looking for resources to help you understand AS/ASD? If you have, then the chances are pretty good that you will find lots of books, tapes, videos and web sites (especially websites) that are so negative that ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Navigating Neurodiverse Marriage 3 (last one)
Sorting out your feelings (and we all have them - both AS/ASD and neurotypical) and learning to really listen for those feeling is important to our neurodiversity. Those of us with AS/ASD are thirsty for relationships that are real ...
Season 2
Episode 5